BonAmb 2018: CABOTAGE

BonAmb 2018: CABOTAGE We are in full preparation of our next gastronomic season, which will start on February 1st 2018. Building up to the new season, we’d like to take you to the maritime corners of yesteryear and a gastronomic culture full of ancestral connotations related to the naval world which guide us during the new gastronomic season of 2018. CABOTAGE is the rudder of this new stage. It also gives name to the traditional activity performed by maritime merchants sailing from end to end between different ports along the coast to transport [...]

2017-12-26T08:50:33+00:00december 2017|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

The season of 2017 in images

The season of 2017 in images In a couple of days we close our most recent chapter. The season of 2017 has been full of great dreams and tireless work which we have only been able to carry out successfully thanks to two reasons: 1: the passion with which the whole team, or rather family that we form at BonAmb, works with every day, and 2: the strength and support that all our followers and guests have given us throughout these months. So thank you, thank you and once again thank you! . This post is [...]

2017-11-21T19:05:47+00:00november 2017|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

The secrets of our homemade bread

The secrets of our homemade bread   As certainly many of you already know, the 16th of October is World Bread Day. Bread is a basic nutritional component and essential in our gastronomy, characterized by its great variety and versatility both in its elaboration and in its use. We from BonAmb, want to pay tribute to this day by sharing the recipe of our homemade bread with you. First, the main ingredients: 1,5 kg of pastry flour 1,5 kg of wheat flour 75 gr of salt 900 gr of sourdough 60 g of yeast 2,100 g of [...]

2017-10-16T18:26:12+00:00oktober 2017|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

Wine tourism in the province of Alicante

Our country in general and our region in particular are places with a deep tradition and devotion to wine. The qualities of this amazing product and the importance it has acquired in the world of gastronomy to assemble and harmonize the flavours of the elaborations, have made it become one of the main attractions for both national and international tourism.   The direct consequence of this is the great increase in interest for wine lately. Cultural visits to find out new places that breathe the tradition and passion for wine, learn about the preparation processes, customs and alternative [...]

2017-10-03T07:43:30+00:00oktober 2017|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

Why consume sustainable fish and seafood?

Why consume sustainable fish and seafood? Why consume sustainable fish and seafood?  Can you imagine a world without fish? This was the headline that the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) launched last June for their Spain campaign to raise awareness of the importance of consumption of fish and seafood in a sustainable way. Our chef Alberto Ferruz participated in the campaign of which the main objectives were not only to transmit the benefits of consuming sustainable fish and seafood, but to also warn us of the terrible consequences in the future if we don’t, so with this article we hope to raise a little bit more awareness.  At BonAmb we feel very identified with this cause because fish and seafood such as [...]

2017-08-24T09:00:18+00:00augustus 2017|Geen onderdeel van een categorie|

BonAmb: Passion, Dream and Work

BonAmb: Passion, Dream and Work We wouldn’t like to start this gastronomic trip full of stories and great memories without first thanking all of those who, in one way or another, have followed and supported us since our restaurant saw the light back in July 2011. After all, BonAmb was started with the sole objective of offering nice (regional) food to our clients, attempting to contribute to one of the greatest pleasures of life (wining and dining), and we are glad to have been able to continue doing this day by day and still living the same dream. . [...]


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