Our 2022 season is all about L’encesa, an ancient fishing art from the area of our Marina Alta. We pay tribute to all those encesers who risked their lives every winter night with  the Enceser story. Today chapter 6: The market.

“My wife and daughter would sell the entire harvest we got from our field and orchard at the village markets of Marina Alta; seasonal fruit and vegetables which were displayed for sale. It was very competitive.

Each market day was a real burst of aromas, colours and textures. The gold of the Muscat grape contrasted with the dull maroon of its raisin. The saturated colours of tomatoes and medlars. Or the intense aromas of the citrus fruit like oranges, tangerines and lemons.

We would triple our earnings with sea products, but transportation and maintenance were also a lot more complex. The cuttlefish, squid and octopus caught the night before would be sold first thing on the stall and we would leave the unsold fish in salt.

I myself would often go to the market, since my wife couldn’t take care of both stalls at the same time. I learned from and enjoyed life at the market. The codes between merchants, the news that is learned in the cross conversations or the art of “haggling” with practically the same people every week.

Once all the produce was sold, we would return home, have lunch, work a while in our field and rest again before facing another night fishing.”