The secrets of our homemade bread

As certainly many of you already know, the 16th of October is World Bread Day. Bread is a basic nutritional component and essential in our gastronomy, characterized by its great variety and versatility both in its elaboration and in its use. We from BonAmb, want to pay tribute to this day by sharing the recipe of our homemade bread with you.
First, the main ingredients:
1,5 kg of pastry flour
1,5 kg of wheat flour
75 gr of salt
900 gr of sourdough
60 g of yeast
2,100 g of water (2,1 liters)
For the preparation of the sourdough we use the following:
1,5 liters of water
500 gr of whole rye flour
1 kg of organic rye flour T80 / T150
Mix the two ingredients and during the next 5 days, simultaneously add 50 gr of rye flour and 50 gr of water until, on the fifth day, the dough is ready to elaborate.
To conserve the dough, three-quarters should be used and a quarter left to reproduce. This will be the total dough, half flour and half water.

The elaboration…
We start with mixing part of the sourdough with the water and yeast in the bowl of the mixer, adding more dough bit by bit preventing it to turn into a solid mass.
Then add the flours and salt in and oven tray and mix it through. Add the dough and knead for 10 minutes.
Leave the dough ferment in the refrigerator overnight covered with a cloth and foil.
When the dough has fermented, divide it into pieces of 225/230 gr. Put the different masses into bowls and re-ferment them with the aid of a fermenter for an hour and a half at a temperature of 35/40 ºC.
Finally, make buns and place them on a previously flour-sprinkled oven tray. Incise the buns crosswise and leave it pre-baking at 220° C for 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180/190° C and bake then for 15 minutes.