The season of 2017 in images
In a couple of days we close our most recent chapter. The season of 2017 has been full of great dreams and tireless work which we have only been able to carry out successfully thanks to two reasons: 1: the passion with which the whole team, or rather family that we form at BonAmb, works with every day, and 2: the strength and support that all our followers and guests have given us throughout these months. So thank you, thank you and once again thank you!

This post is a small tribute to what BonAmb is. With some of the images that have reflected our gastronomic season of 2017 and that summarize our essence, teamwork, the unique environment and our desire that you enjoy every aspect of our cuisine and gastronomy.
The dining room
Special mention for our maître, Pablo Catalá, who leads a team full of human and professional quality that ensures that each guest is surrounded by a unique atmosphere to live very special experiences.



Our environment
The elements of our environment, once again, have played a fundamental role in the creation of the BonAmb experience. Postcards images that give each lunch and dinner a captivating charm and beauty.



Our bodega
The wines of our bodega and our expert sommelier, Enrique García, have formed the perfect combination for the excellent wine pairing of our chefs’ creations.


The cuisine
The great protagonist and core of our restaurant. The cradle of the flavours designed by our chef Alberto Ferruz and a whole team dedicated to find the unique feeling with each one of the flavours during each lunch or dinner.



So we are closing this unforgettable and wonderful season, but not before thanking you again enormously for your support and letting you know that we are already preparing the next season. A new season in 2018 that will come with new dreams, new creations and the same passion as always.